Stats that prove why Pinterest is a must for your E-commerce business

First of all, the most important thing to understand is that Pinterest is one of the social media platforms that is growing drastically everyday. This makes it a shining opportunity for those looking for the ultimate coverage.

With the evolution in every social media platform, people are now getting into the depth of their workloads, meaning the better you use a platform the more you get the results.

“In the current era of high-tech platforms what is the best thing to do is to understand what they are offering. Who is using it and how it can help you generate business without investing a huge amount in it.“

Today our focus will be on Pinterest only – a leading platform with the biggest community out there helping people to get the right results in no time!

First of all, let’s find the answer to “who is using Pinterest”?

Well, stats show that people ranging from the age group of 18-40 years old are using this platform frequently, and that is exactly the age that can be a potential audience considering they are looking for things on e-commerce websites. This age group is easy to access but difficult to convince. The only thing you can do, offer the best deal to get their attention and retain it. This is where Pinterest can come in handy a lot!

But where does Pinterest’s massive traffic come from?

50% + traffic, is from the USA, so if you are doing business in the USA then use it in favour. Get the work done and let people know that you are ready to serve your clients with the best of the best e-commerce shopping experience. 

Pinterest is growing so grow with it

The last 2 years were amazing for Pinterest as it peaked to 250 million users per month!

A huge number for your business!

Now imagine having a growth influenced by this number. Tempting? Eventually, it comes to your business and the quality you are providing. You need to understand that it is about your business ans what you are doing for it. If you are spending enough on marketing but your products are not worth it then it is best to consider a Plan B that will benefit your business.

Everything is connected so you need to understand where to start.

“Connect the dots in the right sequence. And then see the massive results in no time.” It is time to use such a platform in your favour because that’s how people are using online shopping privileges.

Be honest and true to your brand identity when you are on Pinterest.

Keep an eye on the following stats:   

59% of millennials discovered products on Pinterest. 

90% of people make their purchase decision with the help of Pinterest.

Pinterest has 33% more traffic than Facebook.

Promo pins make it easy for the clients to make a purchase and the ratio is 5/10.

Excited? Convinced? Then what are you waiting for? Start your Pinterest journey today!

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