What are Fresh Pins and why do you need to work on it TODAY?

Are you looking for better results on your Pinterest profile that will increase traffic on your Pinterest Account? Then Fresh Pins should be on the top of your social media calendar, everyday! Have you heard of fresh pins before? If not, then do not worry, we will break it down for you in a second. If you have, then you know how important it is for you to get on it right about now!

Fresh Pins for Pinterest – What are they?

Like the title suggests, fresh pins are…fresh. They are new pins that are completely different from what you already have on your pinterest profile or have some edits, for example, a new title or a new image. In fact, if you are wondering just how important it is for you to make an effort towards fresh pins for your pinterest profile, then it is important for us to let you know that Pinterest and Tailwind have been emphasizing on it strongly since a while. The social media platforms encourage you to roll out high quality fresh pins as much as you can! See the importance? 

But how do I keep creating fresh pins on limited content?

There is nothing to worry about just yet. Fresh pins might sound overwhelming when you have limited product range or content ideas, but there are ways around it that will generate results and strengthen your social media strategy for pinterest at the same time. An easy way to work on your content creation and updating it into a fresh new pin is to make edits to your old designs that have shown results. You can do this by altering the design of your pinterest pin. 

How do I alter designs? Well, you can start with the fonts. Play around with different fonts and choose the one you like. You can also change the image and put a different one to spruce up your content while also getting the message across with your choice of new image. Another great way to edit your existing pinterest pins is by changing the text. There are two ways you can change your content to make it qualify as a fresh pin – title and copy. There are two kinds of texts on any pinterest pin and you can rephrase or delete any new text to either of them to revamp your pinterest pin and content ideas. Last but not the least, you can work on completely new pins! Yep, if you have a dozen more ideas in your pocket, pull one out and make an entirely new pin with different content. Voila! You have fresh pins and have successfully followed the most important pinterest marketing tip there is.

Worried that this is all too much work? There is always an option to hire a Pinterest Marketing Manager that will work on your fresh pins while you focus on your booming business. Our Pinterest professionals have been working on optimizing Pinterest account reach and management for years and can tackle the obstacles for you. Reach out to us now at www.thepincreative.com and leave your marketing stress to us.

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